
Our Unslaked Lime is produced by the conversion of limestone through calcining (burning) in either of our two rotary or two vertical kilns in Danielskuil. At our plant in Vereeniging the Unslaked Lime is milled, or hydrated to make slaked lime.

Both Unslaked and Hydrated Lime products have a wide range of applications and are essential in many industries’ processes. Industries include gold and uranium, iron, steel and ferrochrome, carbide, sugar and paper, water treatment, agriculture and construction.

Lime Products

Unslaked Lime (also known as Quick Lime or Calcium Oxide)

Unslaked Lime Lumps (-50+20mm)
Unslaked Lime Granules (-6mm)
Unslaked Lime Grit (-1mm)
Unslaked Lime Powder (-100um)

Hydrated Lime (also known as Slaked Lime or Calcium Hydroxide)

Hydrated Lime Powder (7um)


Please send a Quote Request for any of the above products to
Alternatively please contact one of our Sales Representatives

Name Title Cellphone E-mail Office Address
Eugene van Aswegen Head of Sales and Marketing 083 272 2131 Johannesburg


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